Who will be the next leaders of your town? These positions in Clatsop County will be on the November 3 ballot. Check with your city to find out how to apply. Filing deadlines are soon. City of Astoria - Voting
Ward 2 Tom Brownson - has filed to run for re-election
Ward 4 Jessamyn Grace West - not running for re-election
City of Warrenton - Voting
Position 1 Pam Ackley
Position 2 Mark Baldwin
Position 3 Tom M. Dyer
City of Gearhart - Voting
Mayor Matt L. Brown
Councilor, Position 2 Reita Fackerell
Councilor, Position 4 Daniel Jesse
City of Seaside – Voting
Councilor at large, Wards 1 & 2 Randy Frank
Councilor, Ward 3 Tom Horning
Councilor, Ward 4 Seth Morrisey
City of Cannon Beach Voting
Councilor, At Large 2 positions Brandon Ogilvie, Nancy McCarthy